They ain’t kidding with the bit about “the end of Love”. This is a very violent, depressing environmental horror tale from the early 1970’s which sets the downbeat vibe with the title sequence showing a parched desert floor with the anguished silhouettes of contorted human figures laboring across it. We then see a montage of car exhaust pipes and factory chimneys spewing out ugly exhaust, polluted waterways and landscapes, and scenes of overcrowded, congested cities. (The title sequence from “Soylent Green”, another grim portrait of a futuristic nightmare society, nicked this montage.) It doesn’t help matters that folkie Roger Whittaker [More]
After spending a couple of days at Disneyland during the Christmas holiday season, I was reminded of this ecological disaster movie from the 1970’s.  Witness people packed in to a space like sardines, witness the repeated equipment breakdowns and infrastructure collapse.  And the air ain’t that great to breathe.  I don’t think I ate anything remotely resembling the type of swill the people in “Soylent Green” are reduced to consuming though.  Check it out.  Another fine Charleton Heston performance is in store for you.