This very recognizable and enjoyable actor died in 2022. I have been very negligent in posting about some of the entertainers I have admired who passed away during the run of this blog (not just this year). I need to make amends in my own mind and list those who have passed that I have very badly neglected. David Warner appeared in a number of memorable roles over the years. I was fond of his performance as the mentally challenged instigator of the societal clash in Peckinpah’s “Straw Dogs”. He played the inquisitive photographer who stumbles on the supernatural forces [More]
This was the final film gathering of The Original Series Star Trek crew after a long line of cinematic adventures. Star Trek started out as a TV series but after only lasting three seasons in its original run, a devoted fanbase rallied to get the creative forces that be to realize that there was still an audience out there and, after Star Wars proved to be a box office smash, that maybe there was gold in them thar science fiction film hills. The resultant movie franchise lasted for six installments. This time out, our heroes are ordered to take a [More]
Legendary science fiction and fantasy writer Harlan Ellison has passed away.  Call him an iconoclast, outspoken, a larger than life character who didn’t suffer fools, especially those he felt tampered with the integrity of his work.  He reached a settlement with CBS 40 years after his script for “Star Trek”-TOS, “City on the Edge of Forever” had been delivered to reclaim his share of the profits generated from his work.  He had more impressions on the television industry collected in his series “The Glass Teat”.  Acidic observations to say the least. I count Ellison as an early influence in my [More]
It is with a heavy heart that I comment on the passing of our very dear friend, Leonard Nimoy.  Nimoy proved to be a man of many talents.  Among his accomplishments were successful turns as actor, director, writer, singer, and photographer.  We all best remember him for his iconic portrayal of the Vulcan First Officer aboard the starship Enterprise, Mr. Spock.  The “Star Trek” role endeared him to fans and established his place as one of the most beloved fictional characters in the history of, well, the world!  Nimoy’s work as psychologist Dr. David Kibner in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” is to me [More]
Very influential, big budget science fiction film from the 1950’s.  In the future, a starship from earth ventures to a remote planet to check on the well being of a colony established by earlier explorers.  Only two survivors are found from the previous expedition but they flourish in their compound with the assistance of their super workhorse robot, Robby.  It seems that survivor Dr. Morbius has learned a few tricks from the previous inhabitants of the planet, the uber advanced Krell.  But not all knowledge is necessarily good to have.  Morbius harbors some dark secrets of his own that have a [More]
My favorite episode from “Star Trek” – The Original Series.  A marauding super weapon of ancient origins plummets through space destroying astral bodies in its wake to provide fuel for its continuing existence.  The Enterprise, commanded by Captain James Kirk, attempts to put a stop to the machine’s path of destruction before any more lives are lost.  Very well paced, exciting episode that provides plenty of action and suspense.  Going back and watching “The Original Series” today, I am struck by the rather talkative, slow paced nature of a lot of the episodes.  This segment provided a welcome alternative to [More]