This was the final film gathering of The Original Series Star Trek crew after a long line of cinematic adventures. Star Trek started out as a TV series but after only lasting three seasons in its original run, a devoted fanbase rallied to get the creative forces that be to realize that there was still an audience out there and, after Star Wars proved to be a box office smash, that maybe there was gold in them thar science fiction film hills. The resultant movie franchise lasted for six installments. This time out, our heroes are ordered to take a [More]
Great World War 2 set action adventure movie starring the unlikely combo of Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood.  Burton was a movie star at the time and Eastwood was suddenly hot after his run of spaghetti Westerns.  Why not toss them together and pour them into this macho, adrenaline-fueled blockbuster?  This picture clocks in at around 3 and a half hours but it certainly won’t seem so!  In the days before Star Wars and Indiana Jones, this movie was the shit.  Completely absorbing espionage caper where a team of Allied agents attempt to go deep behind German lines to recover [More]