Wes Craven, creator of Nightmare on Elm Street, and Scream directed this ’80’s science fiction horror film for television. The money must have been right. The movie is a clear cut example of good folk versus evil folk and it has a somewhat annoying 1980’s sheen to it. Robert Urich relocates his family to his new work site and residence. It turns out that the influencers in the community all belong to a fashionable country club. Low and behold, the country club harbors a malignant force that guarantees success or failure in the suburban, gated community that the family moves [More]
A cadre of well off individuals are transported by plane to what turns out to be anything but an island paradise. We soon learn that these folks are a troubled lot. We are eventually introduced to each character’s particular emotional baggage and then it is revealed that each may have met with a fatal accident. Wait! We are apparently watching living, breathing people who are trying to figure out where they are stranded and why fate seems to be drawing a dark curtain over their circumstances. Are they in limbo? In fact, their dilapidated island resort becomes a purgatory from [More]
A made for TV fright film that touts a modern day werewolf on the loose in Louisiana.  Although this movie gets a little talky in spots, I like the atmosphere present from the Louisiana setting and the modest amount of frights served up:  Some nice POV shots of the monster descending on his soon to be victims.  Also, some creepy moments as a country estate is stalked at night by the howling, marauding  wolf man and a hospital is plagued by the unwelcome presence of the destructive monster.  Certainly not the best monster make up you will see but thankfully we [More]
1970’s TV movies offered up a plethora of weird subject matter the net result being that it left deep psychological wounds on young, impressionable viewers which I am sure, myself included, they carry with them to this day.  I remember the exhilaration of braving some of this creepy TV material and then spending sleepless nights terrified by the experience.  This unpleasant little story included these hideous, shriveled up, doll sized demons you see here.  You see, there is a lady, actress Kim Darby, who spends quite a lot of time in a dark house filled with these beasts.  They only want [More]
Rousing TV movie full of strange beasties on the loose.  Cornel Wilde investigates stories and sightings involving a hidden race of ancient creatures, the gargoyles,  that emerge during certain periods of history and their time has come again in the 1972 American Southwest.  The gargoyles appear once again determined to exert their dominance over man.  Can they be stopped?  Look past the slightly gawky monster costumes and enjoy the thrill ride!  Scott Glen is here in an early role.
Classic tale of an otherworldly killing spree set in modern day Las Vegas.  A down on his luck reporter, Carl Kolchak, stumbles upon a series of murders that lead him to the inevitable conclusion that an actual vampire is loose in a city that never sleeps.  Scary upon first and subsequent viewings.  Creepy, nightmarish performance by veteran actor Barry Atwater as the vampire. Darren McGavin as Carl Kolchak is superb.  This is definitely one of those films that you don’t want to watch at night with the lights out.  Very chilling and produced as a TV movie, to boot!