Juicy, supernatural soap opera featuring the fabulous Jaqueline Bisset as the wife of an aspiring concert pianist who has her world turned upside down by a gaggle of satanic cult members.  Plenty of post Flower Power saturated colors, soft focus lenses and semi risqué goings on.  Very enjoyable time waster that plays like the cinematic equivalent of a melodramatic romantic novel.  Featuring a cast of great character actors including Willian Windom, Bradford Dillman, Curt Jurgens, Alan Alda and Barbara Parkins.
My favorite episode from “Star Trek” – The Original Series.  A marauding super weapon of ancient origins plummets through space destroying astral bodies in its wake to provide fuel for its continuing existence.  The Enterprise, commanded by Captain James Kirk, attempts to put a stop to the machine’s path of destruction before any more lives are lost.  Very well paced, exciting episode that provides plenty of action and suspense.  Going back and watching “The Original Series” today, I am struck by the rather talkative, slow paced nature of a lot of the episodes.  This segment provided a welcome alternative to [More]